Chiropractor Tucson, it’s good you found us!
It’s good that you found Tompkins Family Chiropractic, Chiropractor Tucson. And there are lots of reasons why.
You could have chosen to visit one of the chiropractic offices that would just take you in, no appointment. When you walk in, you don’t have to tell them what’s wrong with you. You just come in, lie down and get an adjustment. It’s quick, cheap, but there may be no understanding of what you’re dealing with health wise. If you want to experience the best chiropractic care Marana has to offer, you may want to choose differently.
This chiropractic office will not perform an exam, the doctor may be able to feel your spine and give you an adjustment, the adjustment may even feel good. But you’ll leave feeling that there needs to be more from your Chiropractor Marana
What’s Next?
Now you have the choice to see a Chiropractor Tucson who will perform an exam. Which is better? This chiropractor has a better chance to understand your health problem. They will then work to perform an evaluation so that he can see your spine and how it’s affecting your nervous system. These things are all very good. After you’re out of pain, you are sent on your way to try to keep this from happening again, but it does happen again. You get the pain again because no one has taken the steps to not only get your body feeling a little better, but now you need to keep the problems, the pain, away.
What you need is an Doctor who will look at the whole picture, perform a detailed evaluation, take some x-rays if necessary. Look at other things that can be causing you to be in the situation you’re in. Your Chiropractor Marana will find problems that you are feeling, but they can uncover things that you didn’t know about and correct them before they ever become a problem. Someone who will understand how your muscles are pulling your spine out of position and teach you to help stabilize your spine. You would benefit from having a Chiropractor Marana who will add other adjunctive techniques (exercise, traction) to help you make corrections faster.
Wellness Services?
This kind of Chiropractor Tucson office will also provide wellness care and services. Because we realize that there are many different things that contribute to your health picture. Some of these things are:
- physical stress
- chemical stress
- emotional stress
7 day food diary
Physical Stress
The physical stress happens from things such as auto accidents, slips and falls, repetitive work activities, these stresses will cause significant problems in your spine and lead to long term pain if not handled well. Your corrective chiropractic care and very specific postural exercises can help to relieve and alleviate that pain. These postural exercises will not train your large muscles and make you feel like a bodybuilder. They will train the smaller muscles that are designed for postural stability. They will keep your spine in the most beneficial position, much better than the exercises for large muscle groups.
Chemical stress happens our to the things you eat, the things you drink, the medications you take and the air you breathe. These chemical stresses if left unchecked will cause numerous health problems in your body. These stresses will lead to increased inflammation and pain, weight gain, decreased energy headaches, migraines. Handling your chemical stress will be one big step to improving your health situation. Your Chiropractor Tucson may recommend a cleansing protocol or other nutritional program to help you improve your body’s response to chemical stress.
One of our most popular programs is the 21 Day Standard Process Detoxification. This helps people reduce inflammation and pain. People on average lose 8-19lbs over the course of 21 days and they report increased energy.
Your Chiropractor Tucson
Dr. Emil Tompkins, your Chiropractor Tucson also has developed a nutritional protocol called the 3M protocol for nutritional well being. Where he incorporates having proper meals, movement and motivation to eat in a way that will consistently improve your health. Check out one of our health programs to learn how to achieve that goal.
Emotional Stress:
If you take care of your body by handling physical and chemical stress. You go to your Chiropractor and get adjusted, but you’re still overwhelmed by stress, there will still be a problem. Emotional stress causes changes in your body that negatively affect your health. If you handle all the other areas of your life well, and don’t reduce the stress you’re under, then you’ll continue to experience poor health. Chiropractor Tucson, Dr. Emil Tompkins has developed the IDEAS system for stress management to help you to cope with the stress you’re under. You may not be able to eliminate all stressful situations, but you may be able to get your body to handle the stress in your life more effectively.
Chiropractor Tucson Cares For Families
I encourage you not to leave your children at home to develop the same problems that you have. Since your health issues are likely coming from something that happened at birth or as a child, you will want to make sure your children don’t develop the same things. Tompkins family chiropractic is an office that will ensure that the family is our number one priority, and if you look at our mission statement:
We believe that the family must be healthy, not just the individual. That’s why you will see pregnant moms and even children being adjusted as early as birth. It’s also why we will make sure that there are affordable care plans to empower an entire family have chiropractic care for as long as they choose.
What we’ve noticed in children.
Children who have been adjusted by chiropractors notice changes in attention, behavior, autism, ADHD, bedwetting, ear infections, pain relief. I know that you want this for your children. It’s time to introduce them to Chiropractic care at Chiropractor Tucson.
We are committed to helping our family become a healthier place to live. Thank you for being a part of that and helping us fulfill that mission in this community. Together our world will be a healthier place.
Join us today and help your family live healthier. Call us at 520-572-2596