There was a distinguished gentleman that had gone into a barbershop and he sits down at the barber table and the barber is getting started on cutting his hair. And while he is there, he sees this man walking in front of the barbershop, and then he says to the barber what’s going on. Who’s that guy over there.
And this guy’s really disheveled and looking really rough. His hair is just all over the place and the barber. I don’t know, it’s just a guy. He walks in front of the barbershop all the time, every day. And the distinguished gentleman looks over at the barber and he says if you’re so good, How do you have someone right across the street who looks so rough?
And the barber looks at the man while he’s cutting his hair. And he said, I’d love to be able to help him if only he would come in. Sometimes we wonder if there’s anything that chiropractic can do to be able to help. I hope we can and with a thorough evaluation, we will know for sure if we can. If you come in, sometimes we struggle with things that are long lasting illnesses, long lasting aches and pains and degenerative changes and things that are really challenging to take care of.
But even those things with the right course of action, with a plan of care, that includes correction with chiropractic adjustments, exercises to strengthen and stabilize the spine, traction to help train the ligaments, to hold things in the right position, maybe other healthy strategies to keep the inflammation levels down in your body.
If we take those steps, we can see some really amazing changes. So I look forward to seeing you in the office and remember if you’re here, we can make a difference. Have a great.