by Dr. Emil Tompkins: A family Chiropractor in Marana, Arizona with a passion for health and wellness.
The thing we’re going to talk about today is the number one step achieving your health goals, and we all have different goals that we desire to achieve, but we need to figure out how to get there. Let’s put this together a little bit. I first want t oalk about who it is that we work to serve here in our Tucson Chiropractic office specifically through chiropractic care and through the things that we do. I’m thankful that we’ve been able to master some specific techniques. In mastering those techniques we’ve been able to provide a very high success rate when we’re very clear on the people that we take care of.
When we monitor our population in our office, about eighty one percent of adults that come in are hurting or dealing with some kind of pain, discomfort, or inflammation. First we need to do whatever it is that needs to be done to help reduce that inflammatory process that’s going on in the body. That can happen in a lot of different ways, and as a chiropractor we make sure that structurally the body is functioning well, we make sure that as far as the inflammatory process that we’re creating an environment in our body with certain supplements and different things that allow for an anti inflammatory environment inside the body.
We want to accomplish this not by taking a whole lot of medication to do that, but simply in the foods that we eat. So when people are hurting inflammation is one of the first things that we look at. Now as people are starting to feel better they want to stay that way, and one of the things that we do is we provide wellness care and wellness type services that keep the body functioning well. So that not only do people feel better they see progressive improvements in their health over time.
One of the things that we all should realize is that our health today is a result of the things that we’ve been doing for the last few years, our health in five years is going to be a result of the steps that we take over the next few years. So we want to make sure that we’re taking healthy steps now so that over time we’re going to be healthier and not less healthy.
We also see pregnant moms and pregnancy is such a stress on the body. A lot of people don’t realize that you can take care of someone who’s pregnant by seeing a chiropractor. We can get things balanced in the spine and in the pelvis, allowing mom to feel better during pregnancy and allowing labor and delivery to go very well.
That’s a major focus in our office, and because of the issues we see in adults, we realize that a lot of this starts when we’re children. So as early as birth you’ll see babies being cared for in our office, because if we can take care of some of the problems that we deal with at an early age, as early as birth, you can make an impact on their health in the future.
So we’re going to start taking care of people as early as possible. Getting our kids healthy can ensure healthy adults, a healthy family, and a healthy generation. So that’s our focus, we take care of people that are hurting. We provide wellness care, we take care of children, and we take care of pregnant moms. There’s specific ways that we do that.
One way being with chiropractic care, and getting the nervous system functioning well, because the nervous system controls every function that we have. Now along with getting the nervous system functioning well we want to make sure that we stabilize those corrective changes. So we give our patients very specific exercises and tractions, and other steps to make sure that any changes we’re trying to make that they can actually keep those changes and that their body continues to function very well. With that we want to make sure that we’re helping the body deal with the major stresses that we go through in our life. Those stresses are physical stress, chemical stress, and emotional stress.
When it comes to physical stress we can deal with that through exercise and we go through very specific stages in that; initially we’re doing specific exercises that are going to teach people to strengthen and stabilize their spine, but then the next step would be to incorporate exercises that improve our stamina, improve our cardiovascular endurance, improve our lean muscle mass, and to help us to lose weight. There are lots of ways that you can benefit through exercise. So we go in a progression, we get that body working well so we can exercise. Then we really turn it up a notch to start seeing some amazing changes in our health.
We need to address the way we’re eating because we can exercise all day, but if we’re eating terribly we are not going to achieve our ultimate health goals.
Then the third is emotional stress. If our body is over whelmed with emotional stress then we’re not going to be spending the time exercising we’re supposed to, we’re going to be looking at comfort foods to make us feel better instead of putting things into our body that are going to make us healthy. So we want to make sure that we address those three stresses.
Now when it comes to the number one step to achieve your health goals, this is something that you daily want to think about. I’ll use the analogy of a hot tub or a Jacuzzi, you can sit in a hot tub and that hot tub feels pretty good, the bubbles feel nice, the water is warm, and the muscles feel like they’re relaxing, and when you get out of that hot tub it was a pretty awesome experience, you get out thinking “yeah, that was pretty good”, but fifteen minutes later, twenty minutes later, two weeks later you’re not receiving any benefits from that hot tub experience. At least you know that’s not going to provide you maximum health over time, when you learn something that’s going to provide an opportunity for you to be healthier this can be a Jacuzzi experience, or you can act on it and take the steps to become healthier. Don’t just sit there listen to it and say “oh that was good. Maybe I’ll do something about it”, actually take the step that we need so that you’ll become healthier in the process. That’s our key, actually take that step, actually do something. Don’t just learn about a way to be healthier, follow through and do whatever it is that you need to do to reach your goals in health. Whether it’s our exercise, the way we eat, or visiting a chiropractor that’s it. I hope you have great day, I hope you have a healthy day. Tell people you know about this post if you think in any way it helps you.
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