Emil Tompkins: [00:00:00] I am sure excited to be here with Chris Eve, our wellness coach here at Tompkins Family Chiropractic. One of the things that we’ve been really excited about is in providing the care that we provide here.
Goals of Wellness Coaching
Our goal certainly is to help our patients to feel better. Our goal is to help our patients to get healthier, and there’s a lot of different ways to do that. And we, in trying to help someone to be healthier, if we neglect some of those things like nutrition and dealing with our stress, we’re just never gonna actually be as healthy as we’re going to be.
Chris Eve’s Role in Wellness Coaching
And so I’m so thankful for Chris. For Chris Eve, our wellness coach who works with our patients and does a lot of work in nutrition, homeopathy, supplementation. There’s a wide, vast array of things that Chris can do to help you with your health. And so we’re just gonna have a sit down a chat today with Chris about the things that she does [00:01:00] and how this nutritional work can have a huge impact on your health.
Chris Eve’s Journey to Wellness Coaching
Chris Eve: So I actually started in the medical field. I’ve been in the medical field for about 30 years. I’m a respiratory therapist. I did that for about six years. Then I transitioned into a GI or cross-trained into a GI lab, and I was doing colonoscopies, upper endoscopies, all that fun stuff. For about 12 years. I went from there into education, teaching paramedics and EMTs.
Personal Health Crisis and Recovery
I started my own first aid CPR and first aid training business so that I could be a stay-at-home mom. I took care of my mom for four years with Alzheimer’s, and that’s when my own personal health crisis came into play and doctors [00:02:00] were just keeping me sick, so I. Kind of changed teams and went the more natural route.
Transition to Natural Medicine
And once I got better, I really dug into the natural medicine and, got a diploma on homeopathy. I did an internship with a local homeopath in town. I was doing that when I met you. I became your patient and we got to talking and you invited me to join your team and, when I came on board here, I got the certification in the nutrition response testing.
Wellness and Health Coaching
Emil Tompkins: What do you think, what does wellness mean to you, and how do you incorporate wellness into what you do as a health coach?
Chris Eve: Wellness is the act of practicing healthy habits on a daily basis to attain better physical and mental health outcomes, so that instead of just surviving your thriving, and that is so true when, new clients come in to see me, they’re just surviving and the goal is to thrive by the time they’re done working with me.
Nutrition Response Testing
Chris Eve: One of the biggest things I do is the nutrition response testing. So when we do that testing we, test for stressors, and one of the stressors is foods. So if there are certain foods that are actually stressing the body, then obviously we need to remove those from the diet. So we discuss healthier options, better options.
Chris Eve: Homeopathy is not an easy one to grasp.[00:10:00] But so an example would be if you’re cutting a red onion and when you’re cutting# Interview with Chris Eve: Wellness Coach at Tompkins Family Chiropractic
Emil Tompkins: [00:00:00] I am thrilled to be here with Chris Eve, our wellness coach at Tompkins Family Chiropractic. We are passionate about providing care that helps our patients feel better and get healthier.
Goals of Wellness Coaching
Our ultimate goal is to help our patients improve their health. There are numerous ways to achieve this, but if we neglect aspects like nutrition and stress management, we won’t reach our full health potential.
Chris Eve’s Role in Wellness Coaching
I am incredibly grateful for Chris Eve, our wellness coach. She works with our patients on nutrition, homeopathy, and supplementation. Chris can assist you with a wide array of health concerns. Today, we’re going to chat with Chris about her work and how nutritional guidance can significantly impact your health.
Chris Eve’s Journey to Wellness Coaching
Chris Eve: I started in the medical field and spent about 30 years there. I was a respiratory therapist for six years before transitioning to a GI lab, where I performed colonoscopies and upper endoscopies for about 12 years. From there, I moved into education, teaching paramedics and EMTs.
Personal Health Crisis and Recovery
I started my own first aid CPR and first aid training business so I could be a stay-at-home mom. I cared for my mom, who had Alzheimer’s, for four years. During this time, I experienced my own personal health crisis. Doctors were unable to help me improve, so I decided to explore a more natural route.
Transition to Natural Medicine
Once I started to get better, I delved deeper into natural medicine and earned a diploma in homeopathy. I interned with a local homeopath in town. That’s when I met you. I became your patient, and after some discussions, you invited me to join your team. Here, I received certification in nutrition response testing.
Wellness and Health Coaching
Emil Tompkins: What does wellness mean to you, and how do you incorporate wellness into your role as a health coach?
Chris Eve: Wellness is the daily practice of healthy habits to achieve better physical and mental health outcomes. Instead of just surviving, you’re thriving. This is especially true for new clients who come to see me. They’re merely surviving, and the goal is for them to thrive by the time they finish working with me.
Nutrition Response Testing
Chris Eve: One of the significant aspects of my work is nutrition response testing. During this testing, we check for stressors, one of which is food. If certain foods are causing stress to the body, we need to eliminate them from the diet. We then discuss healthier, better options.
Chris Eve: Homeopathy is not an easy concept to grasp. But here’s an example: if you’re cutting a red onion and your eyes start watering and your nose starts running, these are symptoms caused by the red onion. If you’re experiencing watery eyes and a runny nose without cutting a red onion, we would use Allium cepa, a homeopathic remedy made from red onion, to treat those symptoms. It’s a principle of “like cures like.”
The Power of Homeopathy
Chris Eve: Homeopathy involves diluting the substance (in this case, red onion) until there’s no physical substance left, only the frequency or vibration of the substance. We then potentize it by succussing it, or shaking it vigorously, to create different potencies. Different potencies are used for varying severity of symptoms.
I also use a lot of Banerjee protocols. These are protocols from a family of homeopaths in India that have been tracking data for almost 200 years. They’ve created protocols that, in 80% of the population, certain remedies will alleviate symptoms like constipation.
Homeopathy for All Ages
Emil Tompkins: How old does someone have to be to use some of those remedies?
Chris Eve: Homeopathic remedies are safe from birth. If the mother’s breastfeeding, you can actually give the mother the remedy and the baby can get it through the breast milk, or you could turn it into a liquid remedy and just rub it on the skin of the baby.
Misconceptions and Challenges in Holistic Wellness
Emil Tompkins: Are there any common misconceptions or challenges that people have in looking at a more holistic approach to wellness or just looking at things like homeopathy, nutrition response testing?
Chris Eve: Initially, a big challenge would be just financially. People struggle with spending money on supplements. We don’t tend to think twice about buying a fancy coffee, but we’ll think twice about spending $20 on a supplement. But once they start working, for me, the biggest challenge is I can’t out supplement bad choices.
The Importance of Dietary Changes
Chris Eve: So if you have some dietary issues that we need to avoid, at least, even if it’s just in the meantime it’s not forever. That is the hardest thing for people. So I would say a hundred percent of the time if they’re struggling, it’s because they’re not making the dietary changes.
Getting Started with Wellness Coaching
Emil Tompkins: If someone wants to work with you, what’s the next step that they need to take?
Chris Eve: They can contact me through here, through your office, or they can go to my website and there’s tons of information on the website, all my contact information, call, email, text, whatever it takes.
Parting Words
Chris Eve: I love my job and I love my clients. The testimonies that I get from my clients every day are just mind-blowing. Some of the reviews that have been given to me, one in particular about a gal that ended up getting pregnant, it’s just amazing. And this is nutrition. This is so powerful. It’s just high-quality food-based supplementation. But it’s the right nutrition for the right reason. It’s not just going and buying a multivitamin, your vitamin D, and hey, you’re good to go. It’s at a whole other level. It’s just amazing. It’s just mind-blowing some days.
Emil Tompkins: It is truly amazing what your body can do when you support it, right? [00:19:00] And thank you for supporting people and helping their bodies to be healthy, to heal the way God has intended it to. And you’re making a big difference and I appreciate that. Chris, thanks for joining us. And, for anyone who’s listening, you know what to do.