Today we’re going to talk about four steps to relieve disc bulge pain.
What you’re doing wrong.
Many people with bulging discs do a couple of things that can cause them to struggle with pain longer. 1. Bed rest. Y can actually weaken all the stabilizing muscles, and you’ll struggle even more down the road. If those muscles are weaker and not providing stability to the spine. So resting is not the best idea, at least not too much rest. 2. Covering up that pain with medication. If you do that, you might feel a little bit better, but that underlying problem inside is, unfortunately, still going to be there and you can do more damage, which you of course are trying to avoid.
The 4 Steps
So we’re going to give you the steps to really relieve a bulging disc and get you living normally again, the first thing we’re going to talk about is the McKenzie method. You start face down and you push up on your elbows and hands. What that does is it actually can help push those discs back in. So McKenzie stretches are really important. Just push yourself up and you’ll start to feel the difference. Use a sheet, that’ll give you more stability. It’ll help to help to increase that curvature even more. One of the problems we have when dealing with a disc pain. And actually, let’s go ahead and look at the spine here. So when we look at the spine, you have each of these individual vertebra, and what protects the individual vertebra are discs.
The Problem With Disc Bulge
When a disc starts bulging, that bulging can put pressure on nerves. Those nerves travel out to different parts of the body. Disc bulge pain either shows up as pain in the back and the hips or all the way down the legs.
Once you start getting pressure on those nerve roots, it’s very, very hard to take care of. A lot of times that disc is being pushed out of the back. And so we have to start working on bringing that disc back forward, back forward, and the exercises that I give you are going to help with that. You can use a sheet with it. So it’ll give you more stability. (refer to the video above for more info)
There are certain foods and supplements that help reduce inflammation in the body that can help. One thing that we use in here a lot of times is a supplement called Acute Phase. There are three things in it. It’s a combination of her herbs that will reduce inflammation. Boswelia tumeric. Bromelain a number of other things. A combination that’ll help relax muscles with magnesium passion flower, valerian root, just the right combination of things that will help to relieve muscle spasms and a combination of proteolytic enzymes to promote soft tissue healing. So there’s one little supplement. You take it for three days, three times a day. It’s, it’s really powerful and can make a big difference when we’re dealing with a lot of discomfort. Click here to learn more about acute phase
Disc Pain Relieved With These Steps
You gotta put these four simple steps together and you’ll begin to feel better progressively. So I’m dr. Emil Tompkins. I hope you have a fantastic day. Now, the things that that tend to get people caught up in this pain cycle is if there are other structural problems happening inside that have led to the disc pain in the first place, maybe some degeneration in the spine, maybe a scoliosis, maybe some other muscular imbalance. And that’s where we come in. We perform a complete evaluation of the spine. So we understand how the muscles are functioning, how the individual vertebra are aligned any global problems in the spine. That could be the underlying thing that keeps us stuck in this position. Once we correct that with gentle adjustments, specific exercises and nutritional strategies to keep you feeling and functioning well, you’ll be on your way to being so much healthier. So try those exercises, click the link below. If you decide you want to schedule an appointment in our office and have a great day. I’m dr. Emil Tompkins and we’ll see you soon.
Read Next: Your MRI Shows A Disc Bulge – Now What?