by Dr. Emil Tompkins, a family chiropractor focused on providing natural ADHD treatment for you or your child.
Having a child with ADHD or dealing with it yourself can be an incredibly daunting challenge to overcome or even just manage. It seems impossible to focus on the task in front of you. Or maybe your child suffers in school because she doesn’t pay attention to the teacher. She is disorganized at home and at school and seems to affect every part of her life.
You want to see your child achieve their maximum potential but you worry if they will even make it through the school year, or the weekend for that matter.
There is a program that, when followed correctly, you make changes and improvement in attention, and focus in a healthy and natural way.
Our Promise
In this blog post we’re going to discuss the areas you’ll need to consider if you’re going to see an improvement in ADHD symptoms naturally. Our BrainBuilders program for neurological health can accomplish this for you and your family.
Why is this important?
Why – because your family’s health is at stake. Your child’s health and potential are at stake. There are prescription medication options, and some of them can make an impact on your child’s attention. However, there are 18 reasons to reconsider medication. Those 18 reasons are most common side effects of ADHD medication:
- Nausea
- Stomach pain
- Vomiting
- Headaches
- Insomnia
- Loss of appetite
- Dizziness
- Irritability and mood swings
- Increased anxiety
- Fatigue
- Increased blood pressure
- Increased heart rate
- Hallucinations
- Severe rash and blistering
- Shortness of breath
- Seizure
- Numbness in the extremities
Other Non-ADHD problems that cause ADHD symptoms
- Dyslexia
- Different learning styles
- Boredom
- The material is too advanced
- Emotional or behavioral causes
- Other mental illness
When one of these other complicating factors are present and your child received ADHD medication, it can make their symptoms worse. Kids who are bipolar are often misdiagnosed as ADHD and those medication interactions can be frightening. It can even send children into periods of psychosis.
Fortunately, there are some natural techniques to help alleviate the symptoms of ADHD that do not have the same negative side effects.
BrainBuilders System of Neurological Healing
- Remove any interfering agent
- Rewire brain-body communication
- Sensory processing
- Nutritional intervention
- Exercise
Remove Interfering Agents:
These specific substances cause neurological inflammation and have been found to contribute to behavior and attention issues:
- Food dyes, additives, and preservatives: over half of the studies of yellow 5 dye have shown chromosomal changes. If there’s any possibility of DNA damage then you want to steer clear!
- Sugar: has been associated with inattention, irritability, hyperactivity, and mood swings.
- Wheat: wheat in a small percentage of people has been shown to be neurotoxic.
- Allergies: remove any foods you are allergic to
Elimination Diet
Another thing to consider is an elimination diet. A true elimination diet will get rid of all the foods that people are commonly reactive to and they you can begin to see some real healing. You then focus on eating specific meats, fruits, vegetables and protein sources. Done in the right way, you’ll see if there is a food that contributes to you or your child’s symptoms.
At Tompkins Family Chiropractic, our first focus will be to eliminate the things that could be causing the symptoms. We want to improve the communication pathways between the brain and the body. To accomplish this, we will teach you or your child specific techniques to rewire the brain-body communication pathway. We will locate any specific imbalances to the spine that may be affecting the attention span. The most common spinal neurological imbalance comes from the upper cervical area of the spine (the upper neck). Identifying and correcting these imbalances will help you to be on your way to a healthier life, focused and happy.
Don’t go away empty handed. I want to invite you to check out our freebie today which is our elimination diet cheat sheet. Learn exactly what foods to eliminate and what to add to relieve inflammation, reset your digestive system in a way that will get you focused and thinking more clearly. Click here to get your freebie.
Have a look at this article: Natural and Effective ADHD Treatments