One day there were a group of kids at the zoo. These kids were just like every other kid that go to the zoo, except for one thing, they were blind. This made their zoo experience even more exciting and interesting than the typical school visit.
One of the zookeepers brought the kids to the elephant exhibit and asked the kids, what does this elephant look like? The kids ran up to the elephant and touched all over it, they were excited. One child said. It looks like a big wall, with rough skin and hair. One of the other kids chimed in, “no, it looks like a rope with a fluffy end”. Yet another child said while holding the ears “No way, it’s like a big blanket”. A tree trunk! Someone else said.
Were the kids wrong?
Nope. But they were “looking” at the elephants from a completely different perspective and because they did, they all had different ideas of what the elephant looks like.
We can do the same thing.
When we are looking for the causes or the correction of our neuropathy or our health in general, we tend to look at one area instead of addressing our body as a whole. And our health as a whole.
For our patients dealing with neuropathy. I have been a part of developing a protocol that looks at the underlying cause and takes not only one direction or modality to help. Instead, we look at a wide range of areas, making sure no stone is left unturned and not only understanding the cause but in relieving your pain.
This is the purpose of our FFA neuropathy protocol. FFA stands for Fuel, Blood Flow, and Activation. Today we’re going to focus on the fueling of the nerves for relief.
Neuropathy is simply damage or a “problem” with the nerves. This usually happens because of some kind of trauma, or toxin affecting the nerves. They over time will receive less oxygen and function will decrease. We must take steps to improve the oxygenation of the nerves so they have a chance to experience normal function again. Otherwise, your pain will continue to increase and change your life for the worse.
Here are the reasons why we need to Fuel those nerves better for neuropathy relief.
Raw Material
The right Fuel will provide raw materials for healing of the nerves. People with neuropathy tend to have specific vitamin deficiencies that can hinder your progress if not addressed. Here are a few suggestions that can get you started.
B12: If you’re diabetic and taking metformin, then you likely have a vitamin B12 deficiency which will lead to increased neuropathy pain.
Vegetable Based Diet: I’m not talking going strictly vegan here but those who’s diets are primarily vegetables experience less neuropathy pain.
Alcohol: Watch your alcohol content or consider eliminating it altogether.
Try to get these direct effects.
Increase blood Flow
Another way to use nutrition are specific supplements to increase capillary blood flow to the areas effected by the nerves. Some of these supplements are used by bodybuilders for increased blood flow to the muscles, but that’s not what you want to use. Specific combinations of arginine and Citrulline can help increase dilation of the blood vessels so that you get proper blood flow to the nerves.
Decrease Inflammation
The next area that you need proper fuel when improving your neuropathy symptoms is for inflammation. Decreasing inflammation so that nerves have a chance to heal: eating anti-inflammatory foods can increase your chance of lowering your body’s inflammatory levels and improve your neuropathy. So what are some of the best anti-inflammatory foods? Turmeric is a good one. It’s being used all over the place for it’s anti-inflammation properties. But you can’t just buy any turmeric in the store. Certain concentrations will definitely work better than others so you’ll want to make sure you’re using a very potent and bioavailable type so that you will actually see a difference in your neuropathy.
I think that’s a good place to stop. And you’re probably thinking by now, that you’d like to know how to best incorporate nutrition into your neuropathy program. Come to our seminar and see for yourself how you can experience a life free from neuropathy pain and you can get more than the information that we’ve begun talking about today. But you’ll also get the rest of the story. Let’s see how we can make a difference in your health today. Click here http://www.tusconneuropathyrelief.com/consultation-2/ and sign up for that seminar
Freebie: Check out our list of 10 best foods for Neuropathy Relief. This “Cheat Sheet” will in a clear and succinct way, give you all you need to improve your neuropathy symptoms with food.
Remember, by the time you know you have neuropathy. The damage is pretty significant and you have to take some powerful steps to change. This is just the beginning and in concert with some powerful techniques to increase blood flow and activate the nerves, you will be free of neuropathy. Dr. Tompkins program can accomplish that for you.
Tompkins Family Chiropractic Marana and Northwest Tucson, Call 520.572.2596 http://www.tompkinschiropractic.com From back pain to sciatica, neck pain to headaches, ADHD to Autism, Dr. Tompkins creates an individualized health program to suit your specific needs. Come see why we were voted Best in the Northwest 3 years in a row. Whether you have pain with pregnancy, headaches, sports injuries or ADHD, migraines, or just want to be healthier, Dr. Tompkins has a program that will work for you and your family. Call us at 520.572.2596 and we’ll be happy to help your family grow healthier.
Tompkins Family Chiropractic Marana and Northwest Tucson, Call 520.572.2596 http://www.tompkinschiropractic.com From back pain to sciatica, neck pain to headaches, ADHD to Autism, Dr. Tompkins creates an individualized health program to suit your specific needs. Come see why we were voted Best in the Northwest 3 years in a row. Whether you have pain with pregnancy, headaches, sports injuries or ADHD, migraines, or just want to be healthier, Dr. Tompkins has a program that will work for you and your family.
At Tompkins Family Chiropractic we can help you get on the right track.
Call us at 520.572.2596 and we’ll be happy to help your family grow healthier.
Read Next: Neuropathy Pain Relief Of The Future