In this video I’m going to show you 3 simple exercises for your lower back, that you can do in the gym. Let’s get started.
Back hyperextensions
Hyperextensions are a very important gym exercise to strengthen the lower back. You’re actually not doing any hyperextending in this exercise just extending your back to neutral. This will warm up your muscles. Lower back pain and disc bulges also may benefit from the hyperextension exercise by improving the curvature in the lumbar vertebrae.
Now for a completely healthy back, there are multiple steps you should take like working on your core, or nutrition that will decrease pain, or how chiropractic adjustments can help but THIS video is going to focus on those extensor muscles that hold your spine upright.
kettlebell swing
This next gym exercise to strengthen the lower back takes the hyperextensions up a notch, they strengthen the posterior chain. The muscles in the back of your body: glutes, hamstrings, lower back and upper back. And they burn a LOT of calories too.
Now they can get a bad reputation because of you use bad form and too much weight, you can injure your lower back, so don’t perform this exercise unless you have mastered proper form and technique. The deadlift improves those posterior chain muscles we mentioned during the kettlebell swings, and it will also iprove your posture.
So there you have it, 3 exercises you can do in the gym to strengthen your lower back.
Tompkins Family Chiropractic Marana and Northwest Tucson, Call 520.572.2596 http://www.tompkinschiropractic.com From back pain to sciatica, neck pain to headaches, ADHD to Autism, Dr. Tompkins creates an individualized health program to suit your specific needs. Come see why we were voted Best in the Northwest 3 years in a row. Whether you have pain with pregnancy, headaches, sports injuries or ADHD, migraines, or just want to be healthier, Dr. Tompkins has a program that will work for you and your family. Call us at 520.572.2596 and we’ll be happy to help your family grow healthier.
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