This post is adapted from a transcript and since I sometimes talk like a 3rd grader, I apologize in advance.
Last post we talked about why your New Years Resolutions fail. Today we’re going to talk about smart goal setting because it’s one thing to decide that you’re going to do something, create a resolution, or make a goal. But if we’re going to have a goal that is likely to be successful, that goal needs to be SMART. SMART goal setting is a proven way to create goals that are achieved. So lets talk more about that. And when I say smart, it’s an acronym.
The S is specific. We want to make sure that as you’re creating goals that are specific because if it’s not specific then then you’re not going to know how to reach it. So let’s just go super vague . For example, let’s say your goal is “I want to feel better.” Well that’s great, but what does that actually look like?
You got to know what your goal really looks like or you’re not going to know what to do to get there. So what does it mean to “feel better” for you? Maybe that means “I need to improve the health of my digestive system” or something like that. Where I’m not having, a stomachache every day, but maybe once or twice a week. That’s a goal that’s becoming more specific. I’m not saying that that’s a perfect goal, but, but if you get more specific than you, you just have a lot higher likelihood to be successful.
Number two is measurable. You need something that you’re going to be able to measure. So again, instead of, I want to feel better. You need to be able to measure this, give it a number. I want to lose 35 pounds might be a better goal. Make that the goal because it’s something you can measure. You can take a look in a week and say, Hey, did I get a pound or two closer to have I lost two pounds? Or have I lost 10 pounds? You can measure it down the road and see if you’re moving in that direction. But if you don’t create a goal that you can measure, then you’re never going to know if you’re getting closer to it. So create a goal that is measurable.
Action Oriented
Number three, action oriented. It’s one thing to say that you want to lose weight, but, but part of your goal is going to have to be what are the actions that you’re going to take to be able to get there? So write down those actions.And that could be, I want to lose 35 pounds. And so the way I’m going to accomplish that is I’m going to exercise six days out of the week, 30 minutes a day. And I’m going to eat 100 grams of carbs or less each day to be able to accomplish that. So then you can look, am I following my action items? And if you’re following the action items, am I measuring how close I’m getting to that goal? That’s how you start putting these things together in a way that’s going to allow you to be more successful.
The next step is my goal realistic. And, and I say this because you know, having four kids, I have these conversations a lot with them. They may pick up a tennis ball and, and think that tomorrow they’re going to be in Wimbledon or they may pick up a basketball and the next day they start feeling like they’re going to write out their NBA contract. And as a parent, I have to balance the making sure I don’t dash my kid’s dreams because, because there are steps that they can follow to be able to achieve that goal. But just because you’ve decided you want it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re gonna get it. You’ve got to take steps and realistic steps. And so that’s something that we teach them is what is realistic and we help them to be able to understand that. For you, is your goal realistic?
Have you decided that you’re going to lose a hundred pounds in a month or two or even three months? Because that’s not realistic. You have to make sure that the goal is something that you can actually attain. Otherwise you’re just going to get frustrated because you didn’t get there. And then that’ll just make things even even harder, more difficult works for you. And we don’t want that.So make sure that your goal is realistic.
Time Oriented
Number five, is it time oriented? Give yourself a period of time. If your goal is to lose that 35 pounds that we mentioned before, give yourself a period of time to be able to achieve it. Now we do realize that healthy weight loss is a pound or two a week. So we don’t want to say I’m going to lose 35 pounds in a month because you’re, you’re setting yourself up for struggle, but maybe I’m going to lose 35 pounds over the next five or six months. You may think that sounds like a long time, but gosh what would life be like if in six months you’ve lost 35 pounds? It doesn’t matter how long it takes you to get there, as long as you’re moving that direction and if you’re moving in that direction, you’re much more likely to be successful.
So those are your smart goals, specific, measurable, action oriented, realistic, time oriented. Set your goals up in that way. Write it down and you’ll be on your way to a healthy new year. We have a manual, a guide, a 2020 healthy you guide where you can have all this information that we’re talking about where you can fill this out. You put your data in the guide that will guide you through your year. That is something that is available for you. I want you to be able to have that. So there’s a link below for you to be able to get your 2020 a healthy new you guide. Go ahead, check that out. We’ll see at the next video.
Tompkins Family Chiropractic Marana and Northwest Tucson, Call 520.572.2596 http://www.tompkinschiropractic.com From back pain to sciatica, neck pain to headaches, ADHD to Autism, Dr. Tompkins creates an individualized health program to suit your specific needs. Come see why we were voted Best in the Northwest 3 years in a row. Whether you have pain with pregnancy, headaches, sports injuries or ADHD, migraines, or just want to be healthier, Dr. Tompkins has a program that will work for you and your family. Call us at 520.572.2596 and we’ll be happy to help your family grow healthier.
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Have a look at this article: Healthy Goal Setting 2020